Artiklar från 2008 – till idag

Artiklar från 2008 – till idag


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  • Carsten Jung and Alina Cojocaru in John Neumeier's Liliomat the Nijinsky Gala XLV, 2019Photo Kiran West

    Song and Dance at Hamburg Ballet’s Nijinsky Gala

    HAMBURG: Despite the theme of ‘Song and Dance’, this year’s Nijinsky Gala XLV avoided the usual glitter and virtuoso thrills to include works of thoughtful depth and contrast, making it a most unusual evening. It was also the time to say goodbyes to several valued colleagues.

  • The Royal Ballet School in Ashton’s La Valse. © Tristram Kenton

    The pride and joy is palpable at the Royal Ballet School summer performances

    LONDON: The Royal Ballet School summer performances in leafy Holland Park, West London have their own special charm. The al fresco setting means picnics in the park where proud parents and dancers mingling with audience in the cafes.The pride and joy is palpable and it’s payback time for those gruelling hours in the studio as young dancers with bright eyes and high hopes step onto the stage.

  • GO25

    Dansfestival med Göteborgsoperan

    GÖTEBORG: GöteborgsOperan i sin nuvarande skepnad invigdes 1994 och firade i år sitt 25-årsjubileum bland annat med en dansfestival den 7-9 juni.Katrin Hall, konstnärlig chef för dans vid operan skriver i festivalprogrammet att GöteborgsOperans Danskompani anses vara ett av Europas ledande kompanier för modern dans. Att det med sina 38 dansare även är Nordens största moderna danskompani är säkert.

  • Balettgala2019

    Innehållsrik balettgala på västkusten

    KUNGSBACKA: Den fina, moderna teatern i Kungsbacka invigdes 2006. Scenen är 18 meter bred, 12 meter djup. Salongen rymmer ca 500 åskådare.Den utsålda Balettgala 2019 på Kungsbacka teater 19 juni var inte bara den enda svenska balettgalan under säsongen utan också, av allt att döma, under hela 2019.Galan var också en innehållsrik, generös och överraskande dansfest med handplockade artister och flera inslag som kunde ses enbart där.

  • Denis Savin as Petrushka.Georgy Gusev as Charlatan.Ekaterina Krysanova as Ballerina.Photo by Damir Yusupov/ Bolshoi Theatre.

    New version of Petrushka at Bolshoi–meet choreographer Edward Clug

    MOSCOW: A brand new version of the Ballet Russes Petrushka , opened recently at the Bolshoi ballet in Moscow in May 19. This opening evening was broadcast to cinema theaters worldwide.I would like to point out that, broadcasting of live ballets and operas are excellent opportunities to take part and experience great performances. Imagine, for the cost of a cinema theater ticket, you are transferred to the big scenes, you can listen to comments from the creators and be guided about the performance. You can also enjoy the best view, including close-ups.

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